Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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Call for papers: Business and Human Rights research workshop

This call for contributions aims, amongst others, to analyse the content, scope and challenges of the most recent legislative proposal and developments in mandatory due diligence legislations. This Research Workshop aims to provide a forum for junior and early-career researchers in the business and human rights field. Selected papers will be included in a special issue of the Spanish Journal of Business and Human Rights published by Editorial Colex.

This workshop is part of the International Conference "Towards a mandatory human rights due diligence: legislative proposals and lessons learned" to be held on 13-14 July 2023. This conference is part of the project "New standards of mandatory due diligence as a response to the violence suffered by human rights and environmental defenders" (ICI019/22/000010), funded by the International Catalan Institute for Peace.

Proposals will be accepted in Spanish, English and Portuguese, with a maximum length of 3.500 characters. They will be submitted before the indicated date using the following form: https://forms.gle/X4wAgqGNYfWB2cS48.
For further information: daniel.iglesias@urv.cat and estrella.valle@uv.es


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