The gender perspective has been the center of the V Col·loqui Internacional in Dret Ambiental
One hundred people from all over the world participated in this virtual meeting, aimed especially at young researchers so that they can present their lines of research and promote common projects.
International experts have taken part in the keynote speeches. This is Karen Morrow, Professor of Environmental Law at the University of Swansea, who talks about gender and the need to listen to and take into account the vision of global environmental governance based on sustainability; Amanda B.M. Fadigas, professor of Environmental Law at the University of Girona and the UOC, who explains the climate emergency from a gender perspective and Lina Muñoz, professor of Environmental Law at the University of Rosario (Bogotá), who gives a paper on of women environmentalists in Latin America.
This virtual meeting is organized by the Center for Studies in Environmental Law of Tarragona (CEDAT) and the Association of Students in Environmental Law of Tarragona (AEED). CEDAT aims to generate and socialize knowledge in the field of environmental legislation and has become a point of reference for this discipline in Spain and Europe. The AAEDAT is an association founded in 2009 by students and alumni of the Master in Environmental Law at the URV that organizes activities within the university community to promote environmental and social values ??and create spaces for debate, reflection and exchange with other universities and research groups.