PRESENTATION of the "Study on the external impact of the textile public procurement of the Government of Catalonia".
On November 16 from 9 to 11 am through zoom will be the presentation of the "Study on the external impact of the textile public procurement of the Government of Catalonia, with special emphasis on human rights, gender equity and the environment, Diagnosis and future proposals" carried out by the research group Territory, Citizenship and Sustainability (TCS) of the Rovira i Virgili University (TCS) commissioned by the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD) in collaboration with the Directorate General of Public Procurement (DGCP) and with the support of the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGCD).
The session is addressed to technical and responsible staff of the public administration (Government of Catalonia, public sector and local authorities) that manages or processes contracts, especially in the textile sector; entities of the social and solidarity economy, companies in the textile field, NGOs and the general public.
The objectives of the presentation are:
-Explore the current reality of the textile public procurement of the Government of Catalonia (Departments/units involved and volume of resources);
-To increase the knowledge and consideration of the impacts abroad of public procurement with a global and comprehensive approach to human rights, gender equality and environment;
-To disseminate best practices and tools such as model clauses.
-To create a space for dialogue and future joint work on the subject.
More information and registration to the event (until November 14, inclusive) HERE
Read the full publication HERE