Universitat Rovira i Virgili

II International Seminar: "Climate Change and Human (Im)Mobility: A Gender Perspective"

The II International Seminar on Human Mobility and Climate Change, titled "Climate Change And Human (Im)Mobility: A Gender Perspective" will take place on June 27 and 28, 2024

The seminar will be held in a hybrid format on June 27 in the Sala de Juntas at the Campus Catalunya (Av. Catalunya, 35, Tarragona) at the Rovira i Virgili University.

This seminar targets the university community, civil society organizations, and the general public and focuses on the relationships between human (im)mobility and climate change from a gender perspective.

Topics discussed during this event include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Gender-sensitive policy recommendations to address the gendered impacts of climate change on migration
  • Climate change litigation, climate-induced migration, and gender
  • Novel approaches to recognize a legal status to the emergent legal subjectivity of climate migrant/refugee/displaced

After careful consideration of the numerous abstracts received from more than 11 different institutions, the Organizing Committee selected the most representative ones. The program with all the details can be found here.

On June 28, an in-person, internal meeting will be held in Seminar 1's venue to assess the seminar and identify new possibilities for collaboration.

The Organizing Committee consists of Dr. Susana Borràs Pentinat, Dr. Francesca Rosignoli, and Dr. Beatriz Felipe Pérez, with the support of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Rovira i Virgili University, the Center for Environmental Law Studies of Tarragona and CICrA Environmental Justice.

Registration will be open until June 26. Please use this link: https://forms.gle/GxUWx2TALrzTPHLi9 

For more information, please contact: francesca.rosignoli(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat 


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