News and events
El CJLL participa en el "X Tarragona International Environmental Law Colloquium (TIEC)·
Projecte europeu per promoure la formació en litigació climàtica

The scale and urgency of the climate emergency demand mobilization across all sectors of society to swiftly implement a radical and just transition to address anthropogenic climate impacts.
In this context, law serves as a crucial tool for structural change at all levels, and quality university education plays a key role in ensuring that current and future legal professionals, journalists, and climate activists possess specific skills, enabling them to be conscious advocates for climate justice in their respective fields.
The CJLL project aims to develop and disseminate innovative educational curricula in the fields of environmental law and climate justice.
Formulated based on the real needs of the sector, these curricula will provide updated, transdisciplinary, theoretical, practical, and strategic competencies essential for building professionalism that meets the demands of the job market and enables individuals to be agents of climate change.
Additionally, CJLL will establish the first living lab in Europe specifically focused on environmental law and climate justice. Through collaborative activities such as web talks and working groups, it will serve as an innovative and participatory platform to enhance cooperation among stakeholders and industry professionals.
- N° 2023-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000161993
- Programma Erasmus+ KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education
- Start: 01/09/2023 - End: 31/08/2026