Main project objectives
Strengthen the role of university education in addressing social challenges related to climate change. Specifically, the project aims to enhance collaboration between the academic, professional, and associative worlds by developing transdisciplinary learning programs.
Educate and raise awareness among new generations, legal professionals, mass communication specialists, and environmental activists on key socio-political issues linked to climate change (resource scarcity, migration, armed conflicts) and the new frontiers of environmental law from a climate justice perspective.
Develop new educational curricula for legal professionals, students, activists, and journalists, inspired by an assessment of the real needs of practitioners in the climate justice sector. These curricula will make acquired knowledge and skills (both scientific and legal) immediately applicable in the job market. Additionally, the curricula will provide opportunities for participants to test themselves, building or strengthening their readiness to become informed agents of climate justice.
Enhance the quality of teaching, educational materials, and learning activities through the exchange of teaching methodologies and best practices among different partners and universities.
Implement flexible learning pathways (in the form of summer schools and winter schools) to be conducted at the University of Palermo and partner universities.
Establish a digital platform (living lab) for the collection and exchange of scientific and legal data on climate change and environmental public policies. The platform will host, among other things, video pills and web talks.
Develop a theoretical-practical manual on climate law for anyone seeking to engage with the issue of climate justice.