Displaying from 11 to 20 of 93 available piece of news
The researcher Núria Torres leads the project "Impact of the Barnahus model on protecting the rights of children victims of sexual abuse in the criminal justice system"
9th EELF Annual Conference: Rethinking environmental law: connectivity, intersections, and conflicts in the global environmental crisis
Call for abstracts for oral presentations at the VII TIEC
Beatriu de Pinós Fellowship Programme (BP2021)
PRESENTATION of the "Study on the external impact of the textile public procurement of the Government of Catalonia".
Collective work: "El impacto social de la Covid-19. Una visión desde el derecho, Valencia, Tirant lo blanch, 2020"
The Territory, Citizenship and Sustainability research group will study the external impact of Government of Catalonia textile public procurement on human rights, gender equity and the environment.
Launch of the Journal of Environmental Law: "La Tutela judicial frente al daño ambiental colectivo"
The gender perspective has been the center of the V Col·loqui Internacional in Dret Ambiental